Pronunciation (Tibetan):
Om Mani Peme Hum.
Mantra for Love and Compassion.
Chanting a mantra, for a longer period of time allows you to go ‘deep into the mantra’. Although the concept of mediation is interpreted in many different ways, it is generally true that mantras support meditation. Mantras can also be used to fall asleep, to wake up or to relax. They can be applied to activities such as painting a Mandala, doing yoga, massage etc. Some other Mantras I have Posted Before are The long mantra of Compassion Buddha , VAJRA GURU MANTRA (mantra of Padama Sambhava), Happiness Is Om Mani Padme Hum and More ...
Here I want to tell you about meaning of Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum"


OM also can be translates as the essence of all enlightened form.
MANI means Jewel that stands for love and compassion (these two make everything possible and are a real jewel.)
PADME is Lotus, the flower that grows on the water and that shows everything exactly as it is; a vision in reality. The flower of wisdom and understanding (insight).
HUM represents the spirit of enlightenment. The effect is stabilization and purifying of the spirit.
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